How Can We Help
WCEDP is here to assist with your business needs. Whether you are looking to start a business, relocate your business to Wright County or expand your current business we can assist in leading you in the best direction.
As a partner with the Small Business Development Center, we have connections to resources that can assist with starting your business plan, financial projections, marketing and more to lead you into the right direction to get started.
WCEDP has gathered a list of available sites for development throughout Wright County. This list is ever changing and you can watch for the updates on our Site Selectors Page
WCEDP partners with CMJTS & The Wright Tech Center to continue to improve workforce development throughout Wright County.
One way that we do this is through the Workforce Pathways Initiative that you can learn more about by going to the Workforce Pathways Wheel.
WCEDP strives to market all businesses throughout Wright County. We do this by sharing information on all of our social media platforms which include Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Twitter.
Along with using social media to market the businesses in Wright County we add updates and advertise businesses in our monthly newsletter that is sent to a list of nearly 1100 people.
Financial packaging is sometimes one of the most difficult parts of the business world.
We work with businesses to assist them in finding the finances they need to either start or expand their business by connecting them with the Small Business Administration, MNDEED or offering them assistance through our Enterprise Loan Fund that we administrate with Wright County.
With 2020 proving to have many challenges, especially with having events, we started a group of Capacity Building Seminars throughout 2022 to bring experts to the table to share their knowledge with the business community.
You can find recordings from past events on the events page.
WCEDP holds events throughout the year to bring businesses together for networking. The 3 biggest events are our Annual Meeting held in January each year, our annual Golf Tournament in September, and the Holiday Social that we co-host with CRS in December.
Financial Resources

The purpose of the Wright County Enterprise Loan Fund is to encourage industrial and commercial development that contributes meaningfully to Wright County’s business environment and tax base. Through this program, administered by the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County and participating lending institutions, loans are made to help businesses meet a portion of their financing needs. It is the responsibility of the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County to assure that all loans comply with Wright County Enterprise Loan Fund policies as defined in this document.
To serve a public purpose, the loan fund shall meet the following three criteria by funding only projects that:
• Retain and / or create new, livable wage jobs as defined in Section III.B; and
• Assist in the expansion of existing operations or the commencement of new operations; and
• Require additional equity to receive conventional financing, or other loans or grants.
WCEDP Partners with the Initiative Foundation.
The Initiative Foundation works daily to strengthen the economy and communities of Central Minnesota:
- Through loans and financing, we invest in businesses that create quality jobs.
- Through grants and programs, we invest in organizations that make our economy strong.
- Through donor services and charitable funds, we help people invest in their communities.
We believe that local people have the greatest sum of initiative, knowledge and relationships to achieve a brighter future.
WCEDP Partners with the MN Dept. of Employment and Economic Development.
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is the state’s principal economic development agency. DEED programs promote business recruitment, expansion, and retention; international trade; workforce development; and community development.
To learn more about DEED’s programs, services and mission, view our short video or check out our Economic Development Resource Guide.
WCEDP Partners with the Small Business Administration.
Created in 1953, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) continues to help small business owners and entrepreneurs pursue the American dream. The SBA is the only cabinet-level federal agency fully dedicated to small business and provides counseling, capital, and contracting expertise as the nation’s only go-to resource and voice for small businesses.
Wright Tech CEO

What is CEO?
Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO) is a new class from the Wright Technical Center for students who are interested in starting their own business someday.
Some highlights:
- Students practice and develop people skills in a variety of business settings.
- Lessons aren’t taught by teachers, but by local entrepreneurs who share their business story and give students advice for starting their own business.
- Students tour local companies twice a week where they can see firsthand what goes into running a business.
- Every student in the class writes a business plan and starts their own business with help from a local business mentor.

Wright County continues to grow in leaps and bounds.
The 2019 preliminary demographer population numbers show that Wright County has grown from 124,700 in 2010 to 134,531 in 2019 – an increase of 13,831 residents in nine years.
Much of that growth has occurred along the I-94 corridor. Otsego has grown by 4,559 people, pushing past Buffalo as the second largest city in the county and only 27 people fewer than St. Michael to become the largest city in the county. Otsego represents 33 percent of the growth of the county over the last nine years. With over 3300 business establishments, including over 300 hundred manufacturers, the opportunities are limitless.
The WCEDP recognizes the need to be proactive in supporting workforce training and making clear paths to success for those individuals who find themselves in transition, young people making career decisions, incumbent and dislocated workers, and those who are looking to improve their quality of life.
By collaborating with business and training/education partners, the WCEDP can support the speed of growth our County is experiencing.