U.S Agriculture needs more qualified workers 57,900 new jobs each year for ad graduates, but only 35,400 available graduates which equals a 30% deficit
Agriculture is the nation’s largest employer with more than 23 million jobs involved in some facet of American Agriculture. That is 17% of the civilian workforce!
Information found on this page was found on the Minnesota CAREERwise website. For more inforamtion you can go to Career Clusters | Minnesota State CAREERwise (minnstate.edu)
This video was used CareerOneStop YouTube page: CareerOneStop – YouTube
Careers that you will find in the ZoomTour are opportunities located in Wright County MN. These opportunities include business that are a part of the Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Career Cluster.
Pathways in the Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Cluster
WCEDP is here to assist with your business needs. Whether you are looking to start a business, relocate your business to Wright County or expand your current business we can assist in leading you in the best direction.
The agribusiness systems pathway includes occupations involved in the coordination of all activities that contribute to the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing and development of agricultural commodities, plant and animal products, and other natural resources.
The animal systems pathway includes occupations related to the raising and caring of animals and developing more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. Workers study genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth and care of domesticated farm animals. Includes workers who provide medical service to farm and nonfarm animals.
The environmental service systems pathway includes occupations involved in water and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal and public health issues. Work includes hazardous-waste management, research, and quality control.
The food products and processing systems pathway includes occupations involved in bulk food production, the discovery of new food sources, the analysis of food content, and the development of ways to process, preserve, package or store food according to consumer needs, and. Includes those who monitor compliance with industry and government regulations.
The natural resources systems pathway includes occupations that develop, use, maintain, manage, and analyze natural resources. Includes catching and trapping various types of marine life. Work might relate to recreation, wildlife, conservation, mining, logging, or oil drilling.
The plant systems pathway includes occupations related to growing food, feed, and fiber crops, and the study of plants and their growth to help producers meet consumer demand while conserving natural resources and maintaining the environment. Work might include nutritional analysis or genetic engineering.
Power, structural, and technical systems workers apply knowledge of engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics, power, structures, and controls to the field of agriculture. They design agricultural structures as well as machinery and equipment.
Wright Tech Center
Currently Wright Technical Center doesn’t offer any courses in this career cluster.
Wright Technical Center strives to add new courses as often as they can in the career clusters that they can.
For more information on Annadale School’s go to Annandale Public Schools / Homepage (isd876.org)
For more information on Buffalo – Hanover – Montrose School District go to The Place to Dream, Believe and Achieve | Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools (bhmschools.org)
For more information about Dassel – Cokato School’s go to Dassel-Cokato Schools / District Home (isd466.org)
For more information about Delano School’s go to Delano Public Schools District
For more information about Howard Lake – Waverly – Winsted School’s go to Howard Lake Waverly Winsted Public Schools (MN) (hlww.k12.mn.us)
For more information about Maple Lake School’s go to Maple Lake Public Schools / Homepage
For more infromation about Monitcello School’s go to Monticello School District / Homepage
For more information about Rockford School’s go to Home – Rockford Area School District 883
For more information about St. Michael/ Albertville School’s go to St. Michael-Albertville Schools / Homepage (stma.k12.mn.us)
Education & Training
A Minnesota community and technical college, Ridgewater offers more than 100 educational programs in transfer and technical education. In fact, some of our programs are unique in not only Minnesota, but also the nation.
With campuses in Willmar, Hutchinson, and online , Ridgewater serves more than 5,500 students. For 2020 and 2021, Ridgewater has been ranked as Minnesota’s #1 Community College based on value, strong academics, student life, facilities, diversity, student experiences, location, and safety! (Source: www.niche.com)
St. Cloud Technical & Community College is located in the heart of Central Minnesota. Founded in 1948, SCTCC offers programs of study that lead directly to employment opportunities in the region as well as transfer options to four-year universities and colleges to pursue a bachelor’s degree.
Nearly 5,600 students are enrolled in credit-based classes annually. More than 70% of the student population comes from the surrounding six counties, with the remaining students hailing from around the globe. More than 96% of the College’s graduates find employment in their fields of study or successfully transferred to another college or university to continue their education.
At the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, we seek new knowledge that can change how we all work and live. We prepare students to meet the great challenges facing our state, our nation, and our world. And we apply our expertise as students, faculty, and staff to engage with communities across Minnesota.

Other Employment Search Resources
MinnesotaWorks.net is an internet-based self-service system where employers and job seekers can find each other. Registration is encouraged because it allows full access to all the features of the system. This site is supported by Employer tax dollars and there is no additional fee to use this service.
Job seekers can post up to five resumes to be searched by employers. They can also search for job openings and be contacted by e-mail when new job postings meeting their search criteria are found by the system.
Employers can post job openings. They can also search for job candidates, recruit job seekers online, and elect to receive emails when new resumes are found that match their requirements.
MinnesotaWorks.net is a service provided by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). DEED is responsible for administering various state and federal programs that provide workforce development services. For more information about DEED, please visit http://mn.gov/deed.
Express Employment Professionals is one of the top staffing companies in the U.S. and Canada. Every day, we help people find jobs and provide workforce solutions to businesses. Albertville, MN Express provides a full range of employment solutions that include full-time, temporary, and part-time employment in a wide range of positions, including Professional, Light Industrial, and Office Services. We’re here to support you.
Minnesota Jobs | Minnesota Employment Agency | Search for Open Jobs (expresschan.com)
CareerForce is here to help you
We’re Minnesota’s career development and talent matching resource. We guide people toward rewarding careers, connect individuals to opportunities and help employers find the workers they need to grow and thrive.
We are committed to continually working to enhance our services to employers, prioritizing equity at the center of everything we do, leveraging technology and innovation to meet our customers where they are and always striving to serve them better.
In 1988, Award Staffing started with only one office and a couple of team members with a committed approach: provide clients with unsurpassed service and associates with a clear career path, all while serving the communities in which we work and live.
Today, Award Staffing has grown to a nationally-recognized staffing agency with six locations throughout the Twin Cities. Though much in the world has changed since our launch, our service approach with a local focus has not. By using innovative technologies and inspired processes, we have expanded our quality of service making Award Staffing a premier staffing company.